Suggestibility is a phenomenon humans must understand to achieve their goals and get what they want without being taken advantage of along the way.
Everything that happens in your mind can be described using your five primary senses.
Let’s Get Physical
Your emotions affect your physiology, and your physiology affects your emotions.
Have You Fallen Victim to the Habit Myth?
If you’ve done any research on changing a habit, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “It takes 21 days to change a habit.”
Storytelling Is Your Job
If you want to be great at what you do, storytelling is the critical skill you must master.
Humans Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel
Humans will never forget how you made them feel.
Humans Have Everything They Need
Every human already has everything they need to make any change they desire.
Trance-form Your Communication
A mental health care professional from Columbus, Ohio contacted me. He wants to know why he should add hypnosis to his practice.
So, What's Next For Us?
I want to begin helping you more directly. Think “Dear Abby” or “Ask Ann Landers.”
Uptime Trance
You must learn to create uptime within yourself. This means that you must detach from your self-awareness.
What Is the Meaning of Life?
Below is my answer to “What is the meaning of life?”. I hope this inspires you to create your own.
Beliefs Don’t Always Equal Reality
When humans learn new information that disproves a belief that they hold, two things are set into motion that are just the opposite of what we would hope.
What Is OCD and How To Live With It
Growing up, my OCD presented itself as checking and symmetry and ordering. As I moved into my mid-20s, I realized I no longer felt compelled to complete tasks in sets of four, six, or eight.
If You Want To Make a Change, Change Your Story
You can’t change your past because what happened and the situation you were in are frozen in time. You can, however, change your story by choosing to change the meaning of past, current, and future events.
Charisma and Charm
Let’s address the most common question I receive about charisma… “Aren’t you just born with charisma?”
Failure Is a Matter of Time
The majority of us associate negative emotions with failing. Until you change the emotions associated with failing to positive ones, you will have difficulty staying motivated to reach any goal you set.
The 90/10 Rule
I implemented the 90/10 rule over 30 years ago, and I’ve lived by this rule since.
The Halo Effect
A cognitive bias is an error in the processing system that happens when humans interpret information and allow it to affect the decisions that they make.