The 90/10 Rule


Five things about the 90/10 Rule...

  1. It works, but only when you use it.

  2. It’s easy to do.

  3. It’s easy not to do.

  4. It will significantly improve your success rate.

  5. It will make every aspect of your life less stressful.

I implemented the 90/10 rule over 30 years ago, and I’ve lived by this rule since. It has guided my decisions and helped me overcome countless challenges.

Every one of my clients learns the 90/10 rule, and I help them embrace it. I credit much of my success with clients and in life with this rule.

So, what is the 90/10 rule?

Spend 90% of your time focused on the solution to the problem you’re facing, and only 10% focused on the problem itself.

I only allow my clients to talk about their challenges for a short time (10%). We spend the rest of our time together (90%) creating, testing, and implementing a solution.

Keep focused on the solution by asking yourself questions, such as...

  • What is the positive intent of my problem? In other words, what use does this problem have?

  • What other behaviors or thinking patterns could I adopt to satisfy that positive intent without the negative behaviors or thinking patterns?

  • Imagine that it’s a year from now and I have overcome my problem. What steps did I take to make that happen?

  • What is one thing I could do right now that would get me closer to what I want?

  • What am I willing to do to overcome my problem?

  • What am I not willing to accept any longer?

  • What would have to happen to make a change right now?

Most humans spend 90% dwelling on their challenges and 10% on overcoming them. Be better than most humans.

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell

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