How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything
"How you do anything is how you do everything."
If I had sex the same way I solved a Rubix's Cube, my partner would only be happy once in a blue moon.

7 Out of 10 Women Agree
I polled 382 women on Twitter regarding their desire to be kissed on the 1st date.

Improve Your Life First
I'm all for romance. But unfortunately, most humans' ideas of romance come from the world of fiction.

The Magic of the Last 3 Words
I use this language hack in almost every one of my conversations. I call it The Last 3 Words — although the number of words can vary.

Connections and Links
When you learn how to direct the thoughts of others, the more effective you will be with your communication.

Everything that happens in your mind can be described using your five primary senses.

This Is a Little Fishy
The best humans strive to leave others better than before they met.

The 90/10 Rule
I implemented the 90/10 rule over 30 years ago, and I’ve lived by this rule since.

Change Your Mindset
The way that you view others has a large impact on your happiness, your success, and ultimately your life.

A Letter to My Children
“Always question everything, never accept the limitations of others, and be a good person.” —Dad