I teach humans how to make changes, how to get more of what they want, how to feel good more than they feel bad, how to communicate and build relationships, and how to run their own mind. I also train humans to be competent hypnotists and use what they learn to help others.

When I’m not doing that, I help humans forget about life for a while by standing on stage and making them laugh and experience a state of wonder over 90 inexplicable minutes.

More important than the techniques, methods, skills, and systems that I teach or the entertainment I provide is the mindset that must be adopted to be successful at what I do and teach.

At no time is there a moment where it’s me versus them or us versus them. Throughout every interaction with another human, it’s a symbiotic relationship that builds the foundation needed to accomplish great things.

Lately, especially if you’ve spent any time on social media or reading the news, it seems that the majority of us have adopted the mindset of it’s us versus them. (Republicans versus Democrats, Left versus Right, Right versus Wrong, Maskers versus Anti-Maskers, Vaxers versus Anti-Vaxers, and on and on.)

The mindset (AKA philosophy or frame) that you operate from determines how you interact, communicate, and build relationships with other humans. In life, humans are your greatest resource. Anything you want or need, someone else already has. This could range from finding the human you want to spend your time with to negotiating the best price on your dream home.

The way that you view others has a large impact on your happiness, your success, and ultimately your life.

I have been making a change in my mindset over the last couple of years. Specifically, I have focused on changing the me versus them or us versus them mentality by seeing the world from a more zoomed out view, and you could benefit from this as well.

Let me explain...

Regardless of our background, color, sex, political affiliation, or whatever, we’re all humans living on this small, blue ball flying through space doing the best that we can. Instead of separating ourselves into groups, I believe we should all take a meta view of the human race.

I’m not proposing that you give up your beliefs on certain subjects or register as Independent instead of Democrat or Republican. The variety of humans is what makes life amazing. What I am urging you to do is view humans as “Us”.

Instead of saying and thinking things like, “Trump supporters are nuts” or “Democrats are radical”, begin using (and thinking) in this way...

  • “Some of us support Trump, and some of us voted for Biden.”

  • “Some of us love the color purple, and some of us love green.”

  • “Some of us prefer Coke, and some of us prefer Pepsi.”

  • “Some of us believe ghosts exist, and some of us don’t.”

BUT... We’re all humans.

This may sound like a small distinction, but that’s all it takes to make a big difference.

When you begin to make this shift in how you view humans, you set into motion a new mindset... a mindset that changes how you interact and build relationships with others. Over time, this will make you a better human being, because we support the group we belong to... and our group is the human race.

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell


The Power of Focus


Brief Therapy