What Is the Meaning of Life?


A friend mentioned to me that she was contemplating the meaning of life. It occurred to me at that moment that countless humans ponder the meaning of life every day, but how many sit down and come up with an answer.

Before I begin getting emails and Tweets letting me know that philosophers have been working on this question for centuries, slowly step away from your phone or computer for a moment. There is no right or wrong answer?

Every human will answer this question differently, but how many of us know what our answer is?

I didn’t.

Taking the time to write your answer down is a great exercise. It will help you uncover what truly matters to you and give your life a direction aligned with what you value most.

It took me approximately two hours to write, rewrite, and develop the meaning of my life; and those two hours may be the most important hours I’ve spent with myself for the last several years.

After you are satisfied with your answer, use it. For example... When faced with a significant life decision, refer to your meaning of life as a source for guidance.

I am implementing this exercise into my work with private clients and at my seminars and retreats. I believe it is that important.

Below is my answer to “What is the meaning of life?”. I hope this inspires you to create your own.

The meaning of life unveils itself when you...

  • Discover and live your true purpose,

  • Help others find theirs,

  • Love so profoundly that every molecule of your body tingles by the mere thought of lying in the arms of that one human out of 7.8 billion others,

  • Endure the excruciating pain of a broken heart,

  • Fall in love again even though you know how fucking bad a broken heart feels,

  • Eventually, realize that it’s not about looking for the human you want to spend the rest of your life with, but it’s about the journey to find the human you can’t live without,

  • Experience countless moments that take your breath away,

  • Laugh so hard you cry,

  • Have at least one person remember you after your death, and

  • Leave Earth a better place than it was before you existed.

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell


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