
I have been coaching individuals and corporations for the last three decades. However, most humans know me for my live show because it's easier to build a fanbase when you're performing for thousands of humans every week. When COVID-19 started to land on Earth in 2020, I began to pivot my main focus from live entertainment to my coaching services as the entertainment industry quickly disappeared.

I should mention that I loathe the term "coach." Nowadays, everyone seems to be a coach: life coach, business coach, leadership coach, career coach, et cetera. Most of the coaches I meet are deeply entangled in the Dunning–Kruger effect, a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. Because of this, I distance myself from the term "coach." I prefer to use "consultant," but "coach" tends to be how my individual clients refer to me.

Over the past year, I have produced a brain dump in the form of weekly articles, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, and email newsletters. I have been writing my second book as well. Everything that I have created over the past 15 months has been designed to help you (the readers, listeners, and viewers) build your communication skills, expand your comfort zone, and make you a better human being.

My fan base has grown from hundreds of subscribers to thousands during this process. Thank you to everyone for making the pandemic productive for me. I very much appreciate each of you. Many of you have been crucial in helping me reach others by simply sharing my material.

While providing my fans with solid tips and skills to improve their lives, I also displayed my expertise to the masses. I made a significant footprint in the world. Now it's time to kick things up a notch by developing more interactive platforms online and in real life. I believe we are at the beginning of coming out of the crazy pandemic ride we've been on. As the CDC announces that fully-vaccinated humans can now socialize without the need for masks or other precautions, we can begin to get back to whatever normal is going to look like from now on.

I have always had the belief that there is no substitute for live interaction. Books, videos, and audio programs can help you understand new skills, techniques, and ways of thinking. Being immersed in an experience, however, is how you master what you cognitively understand. For example, I took piano lessons every week for two decades. I had workbooks on theory, rhythms, music notation, ear training, and so on, but I couldn't have mastered the piano without pounding on the keys for hours. You must pound on the keys and do it in the right way.

To begin this move to an interactive approach, I will need feedback from all of you. Specifically, I no longer want to dump general concepts on you. I want to begin helping you more directly. Think "Dear Abby" or "Ask Ann Landers." I want to take questions from you, my fan base, and reply to your questions via my articles, email newsletters, and podcast. Of course, you will be kept anonymous unless you specifically state I can use your name.

I believe this will add a more personal touch to the relationship we are building together. Suppose you're having a challenge in your life; there is a high probability that others who consume my material are having a similar challenge. You'll not only receive great ideas on how to overcome your challenge, but you'll be helping others in the process.

As we move forward with this new way of communicating, I will be developing new boot camps, seminars, and online experiences for you. Some of these will be private, one-on-one coaching sessions. Others will be small-group consulting. When the world has settled on what is considered normal, I will begin developing large-scale events.

What can you ask me?

You can ask me anything. If it doesn't fall into my field of expertise, I will let you know. My main focus is on helping humans make changes, communicate effectively, build connections with others, get better at what they do, be more persuasive, and get more of what they want. I have provided sales training to many of the Fortune 500 companies in the corporate world over the last three decades. I even have 20 years of experience helping both men and women with the romantic side of their lives.

Send your questions and comments to Bill@HypnosisForHumans.com, or you can send a message through my website at HypnosisForHumans.com.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped me grow over the past 15 months. I'm looking forward to the next 15! If there is anything that I can help you with, please ask.

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell


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