The Magic of the Last 3 Words
I use this language hack in almost every one of my conversations. I call it The Last 3 Words — although the number of words can vary.

Everything that happens in your mind can be described using your five primary senses.

Humans Have Everything They Need
Every human already has everything they need to make any change they desire.

The Meaning of Your Communication Is the Response You Get
Kim from Miami emailed me. She says she's been told by friends that she's "a bit abrasive." Kim wants to know how to talk to others so they better understand her without getting upset.

Trance-form Your Communication
A mental health care professional from Columbus, Ohio contacted me. He wants to know why he should add hypnosis to his practice.

So, What's Next For Us?
I want to begin helping you more directly. Think “Dear Abby” or “Ask Ann Landers.”

How Many Sessions of Hypnotherapy Do You Need? (Video)
Micah from Austin, Texas left a comment asking… How many sessions of hypnotherapy do you need?

Unconscious Questions
Embedded questions allow you to give a command within a question… even though it is not a question!

Questions Are the Answer
Before you can effectively communicate with other humans, you must learn to effectively communicate with yourself.

Don’t Be a Chicken
Most people are more concerned with the notification that just popped up on their phone than with the human being sitting in front of them.