The words that you speak have the power to invoke images, sounds, and feelings inside of anyone within earshot. It’s important that you are cognitive of the words you use and teach your clients to do the same.
Benefit by Adopting My Client Plan
The methods and techniques I use when working with clients have gone through several changes over the past three decades. I am on a continuous journey to seek out the most productive and efficient ways to help humans communicate better, make changes, and get more of what they want.
You Don’t React, You Remember
Your brain lives its entire life in a small, dark world (AKA your head) and is fed information through your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin.
Living authentically has been a journey for me over the last 20 years. I’ve learned a lot about myself and made some radical changes, and I’m still learning and changing every day.
Trust in the Flow
Your conscious mind is anything you’re thinking about right now, and your unconscious is everything else you’re not thinking about.
How Do You Know?
Most humans have the experience of falling in love at least once... many of us have had the experience multiple times. Have you, however, stopped to think about how you know you’ve fallen in love?
What You Want Is Only a Bounce Away
When you want to make a change or improve something about yourself, focus on the basics.
Awkward Silence
Somehow, awkward silence has gotten a bad rap over the years. Humans fear awkward silence when on a date, in the boardroom, at social events, and most other interactions with other humans.
Journaling has become an essential part of my life. It helps me get focused in the morning and allows me to relax at night by getting what has happened during the day out of my mind and into my journal. This is a great stress reliever. Things just seem more manageable when you write them down.
The One Degree Rule
You’ll discover how easy it is to make a small change that has a significant impact on your life.
What’s Your Mission and Why?
A personal mission statement should guide the decisions you make, the beliefs you hold, who you spend your time with, how you behave in private and in public, how you view the world, how you navigate life, et cetera.
The Power of Focus
One way to manage your emotions is to control and direct the focus of your mind.
Change Your Mindset
The way that you view others has a large impact on your happiness, your success, and ultimately your life.
Brief Therapy
Brief therapy applies to any therapy in which time is a consideration. There is no rule that states brief therapy can only be “X" hours otherwise it’s just regular therapy (whatever that means).
How To Create Emotions in Humans
You can say the right words, do the right things, and have the best of intentions, but you will never fully master the art of creating states in another human being until you know how to create states within yourself.
The key to guiding others into the state you want them to feel is going first.
Pattern Interrupted
Recently, I have heard many experts touting the benefits of forming routines. Having the routine of making your bed can be a great way to add structure to your mornings and give you a sense of control and accomplishment to start your day, and it’s nice to pull down the sheets and crawl into bed at the end of the day. Routines can help you stay organized, be more productive, and relieve stress. Breaking a routine, however, can be even more important.
Can You Make Someone Do Something Against Their Will?
This is the most common question that I get asked by far, and I thought I should answer it before you read further. It is not always phrased as “Can you make someone do something against their will?”.
Failure Is Not an Option
What holds many humans back from achieving what they want is a fear of failure or failing to reach their outcome on the first attempt and giving up.
If this sounds like you, let’s talk about that.