Benefit by Adopting My Client Plan

The methods and techniques I use when working with clients have gone through several changes over the past three decades. I am on a continuous journey to seek out the most productive and efficient ways to help humans communicate better, make changes, and get more of what they want.

When COVID-19 started shutting the world down in March 2020, it allowed me to refocus the way I approach my work. Specifically, I began with the idea of flow being the foundation of my life and of the lives of my clients. That state during which you feel completely at one with what you are doing or the environment surrounding you.

Flow naturally happens when you are so engrossed in something that the rest of the world falls away, time passes without your awareness, and the only thing that matters is this very moment. For example, it’s those times when you spend a day with a human who has captured your heart, and it feels as if only 12 minutes have passed. Perhaps you’ve been engrossed in a book when you realize 4 hours have gone by and someone has been attempting to get your attention for the last few minutes.

I want my clients to learn to enter flow throughout every day in any situation and setting, allowing them to experience life in a whole new way... a way that lowers stress and anxiety, increases focus, and builds deep connections with other humans and their environment.

The first thing I do with clients is guide them through developing a mission, purpose, goals for every area of their life, a daily morning and evening journaling ritual, and daily meditation. They are allowed to substitute the meditation for any hypnosis programs I instruct them to use. I developed a 15-minute meditation audio program to assist them in getting started.

I help clients recognize everyday flow states that they experience without realizing it. I then introduce them to the creation of flow by giving them homework such as listening to music that really moves them and makes the rest of the world fade away, taking walks in beautiful environments, and immersing themselves in something they love to do. They eventually graduate to creating flow at will.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP™) is still a large part of my work, but the name and abbreviation are rarely mentioned. My NLP™ work is now disguised in what is essentially covert hypnosis. Instead of instructing humans step-by-step on a specific NLP™ technique, I tell them a story. Sometimes the story is from my life, sometimes the story is about a client, sometimes the story is about a friend, and sometimes the story is fictional. Regardless of the origin of the story, the client isn’t aware that changes have taken place until it’s too late. In other words, the changes happen without any need for willpower.

I conduct overt hypnosis sessions as well. This is the “Sit back, close your eyes, and let me talk to you for a spell.” method of hypnosis.

Stepping back to get a meta-view of the process, I help humans recognize what they already have inside them and use their resources to create options. The more choices a human has, the more adaptable they become.

Look at it this way... If you want to go to Disney World and only know one way to get there, you will never make it if a section of your route is shut down for construction. On the other hand, if you know multiple ways to Disney World, you’re going to have a magical day. You have more options.

I believe given several options to any situation, humans will choose the option that makes them feel the best and is most in sync with their mission, purpose, and goals.

Billy Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell



You Don’t React, You Remember