This is the most common question that I get asked by far. It is not always phrased as “Can you make someone do something against their will?”. Sometimes the question comes in the form of “Can you make someone rob a bank?” or “Can you make my husband do the dishes?” or some other related question.

I was at lunch with a friend who had watched a YouTube video of me. He wanted to know how to do what I did in the video. He asked me, “Why doesn’t everyone learn this stuff?”

So, here is what I explained to my friend... I teach how to communicate with a human’s unconscious mind without their conscious knowledge.

Forget all the misinformation that you hear in the media and from other humans. You are getting only half of the story.

If you ask them, “Can you make someone do something against their will?” The answer that you will get is, “I cannot make anyone do anything against their will?”

This answer is technically correct. The thing they will not tell you, and probably do not even know, is my solution:
 Influence them without their knowledge, and you can change their will!

When you step into a human’s unconscious mind, you can take control of their will and turn it in the direction that you want.

Let me give you an example...

I can walk up to someone in a bar and say, “I am going to use hypnosis to get you to buy me a beer.” From that moment on, my subject is in a defensive mode. He can stop listening, walk away, question every word that comes out of my mouth, and use his will to resist any kind of suggestion to “buy me a beer” that I throw his way.

If, however, I use conversational hypnosis without his knowledge by weaving precise hypnotic language and suggestions into what appears to be a normal conversation; I will have a beer in my hand within minutes... as well as a supply for the rest of the night, cab fare home, and another story I can use in a future article.

Does this sound too good to be true?

It’s not.

It is, however, a very well kept secret.

Herein lies the answer to the question of... “Why isn’t everyone learning this stuff?”

Most people who have mastered conversational hypnosis tend not to tell others about it; so you will not find their techniques in mainstream books, articles, or anywhere else.

In addition to the secrets being so closely guarded, there are other obstacles that keep 99% of the public from becoming members of this elite group.

  • It is difficult to find someone who is an expert on conversational hypnosis. They are typically CEOs, business owners, or prominent politicians.

  • If you do find an “expert on conversational hypnosis”, how do you know if they are legitimate and ethical? I have met many “experts on conversational hypnosis” who I discovered were charlatans after just a few minutes of speaking with them.

  • Is the person really an expert in conversational hypnosis, or did he simply read a couple of books and realized he could make some money off of people who did not know any better?

  • Does the person have real-life experience using conversational hypnosis? As Malcolm Gladwell writes in his book Outliers, it takes approximately 10,000 hours of focus on a subject or task to become an expert. Hence, most “experts” in this field are not really experts.

I started at the very bottom in 1989, and I had the sheer luck of being in the right places at the right times. I studied with the best of the best in the field, and I still seek out the masters to continue learning.

I also had the guts (and still do) to approach complete strangers to practice what I had learned. My mentors helped me tweak my skills until they were perfect, and I have continued to develop, study, and improve on a consistent and never-ending journey.

Because I truly know how difficult it is to find someone to teach you conversational hypnosis, feel free to ask me anything regarding hypnosis or how you can integrate into your life to make yourself more effective and efficient when interacting with other humans.

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell

No One Cares What You Do


Failure Is Not an Option