To Boldly Go Where Most Do Not
If my life were a Star Trek spin-off, the opening sequence would include “To Boldly Go Where Most Do Not”. (Boldly being the keyword in that line.)
Most of the social challenges humans have can be corrected by simply learning the art of being bold.
Not Everyone Is Going to Like You
You like them. You may have other reasons like “chemistry” or “common interests” or “great conversation”, but none of these reasons matter if you do not like them. Regardless of the way you build attraction and create rapport with someone, the glue that holds everything together, in the beginning, is “like”.
You Are Not Your Thoughts
I would like to propose that the majority of the time (if not all of the time) you are not in control of what you think next.
Develop Rapport… The Right Way
You are about to learn one of the most important tools used to influence other people. Perhaps, the most important tool.
What Are Nested Loops, and Why Should I Care?
What you are about to learn is a critical skill that can make a world of difference if you take the time to master it.
It’s Not Them. It’s You. — Why People Are Not Replying to You.
When you do not receive a response from a client, potential client, or other business contacts; 94% of the time it is not their fault. You have not given them a strong enough reason to return your call or text or email or Facebook message or whatever form of communication you used.
Don’t Be a Chicken
Most people are more concerned with the notification that just popped up on their phone than with the human being sitting in front of them.