Have you ever seen a human you instantly had a wanton desire for?

In other words, you just had to meet that human!

Several years ago, I noticed a woman at an event as she walked through the crowd. It was impossible to take my eyes off of her — she took my breath away.

A flood of emotions, thoughts, images, and feelings rushed through my mind and body.

As she walked toward me, I thought, "I have to meet her."

She simply captivated me.

You have done this as well!

You have noticed someone and became entranced. How clearly can you remember one of those times now? Take a moment, and experience that.

You introduce yourself.

After a conversation, it is clear that this human is as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside.

So, you have your first date.

After a few dates, an entirely different process begins in your mind because there is a difference between wanton desire and love. Of course, you can have both simultaneously, but there is a difference.

You go home, you're by yourself, and you begin to imagine doing all sorts of things with this human. You then experience all of the fantastic feelings that go along with those thoughts. Repeatedly, your mind sorts through everything that attracts you to this human.

The more time you spent with or thought about this human, the more you felt a strong connection drawing you to them.

You got butterflies when you were near each other. Your heart raced when you thought about them. You got that feeling in your chest that radiates out to the rest of your body, making you feel almost euphoric.

Your friends received phone calls so that you could tell them about this human.

Songs on the radio reminded you of them.

You fell in love with them.

As I describe it to you, you can feel this, can't you?

Although you may not have had this identical set of events, you have had the experience of falling in love; and you went through a similar process.

As you read this story, your mind searched your memories for an experience of your own to relate to.

As you recalled a personal memory as you read my story, your mind and body began to experience those feelings and emotions again.

You may have noticed how your breathing changed, your heart began to pound inside your chest, or the euphoric feeling of being in love began to move through your body.

These things happened because...

Whatever you can get another human to imagine causes them to enter emotional states as if they were experiencing the actual event. Our minds don't distinguish between what we vividly imagine and what actually happens.

I started this article by describing the experience of falling in love, which caused you to feel the state of love within yourself.

Keep in mind that you were reading words on a page and felt the emotional state I described.

In a face-to-face conversation, I would put myself into a "love state" as I describe the experience to you. You would hear my tonality and vocal qualities and see my body language.
 I would also watch you and detect how deeply you feel the state I am describing and adjust my words accordingly. This would enhance your experience of the emotional state much more than simply reading words on a page.

As I described my experience, you unconsciously searched your mind for a similar memory; and you reexperienced the emotional state of that memory.

You have just learned how to construct an emotional state inside another human being.

Put yourself into the emotional state you want another human to experience, and then describe the experience in "normal conversation," as I did.

You can also create an emotional state inside a human by getting them to vividly imagine a memory in which they experienced the goal state. I also used this method in my example by writing things like, "How clearly can you remember one of those times now?"

I could very easily use this method in any conversation as follows...

  • Me: "Can you remember a time when you felt totally confident and unstoppable?"

  • Subject: "Yes."

  • Me: "Can you remember a specific time?"

  • Subject: "Yes."

  • Me: "Tell me about that."

As the human describes the time when they felt totally confident and unstoppable, they will experience those feelings again.

What sort of states would you like to access in a human instantly?

Another significant advantage of using these methods to elicit states in humans is the absolute breakdown of resistance.

Whatever you can get a human to imagine is perceived by them as their own thoughts.

Humans will not resist your suggestions if they feel your suggestions are their own ideas.

You now have more than enough information to purposefully create emotional states in humans.

Go practice!

Make it fun!!!

Use your imagination!

Ask yourself, "What emotional states could you elicit in humans that would create absolute pleasure in their life?"

Create extraordinary emotional states in others, and you'll get even more in return.

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell


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