I have been a hypnotist for three decades. I not only help humans make changes and overcome challenges, but I also teach healthcare professionals how to integrate hypnosis into their practices. Additionally, I consult with business professionals on influence, persuasion, and communication.

Most humans who are overtly hypnotized for the first time tell me that it feels different than what they imagined. I agree.

The first time that I was hypnotized on purpose, I imagined that I would not remember a thing… like I had fallen asleep. I learned quickly that I had the wrong idea.

There is a misconception among

the general public as to what

hypnosis actually is.

This misconception comes from television, movies, and just plain ignorance.

Most humans hold the belief that you are under the control of the hypnotist, and you are not aware of what is going on around you or what is being said.

While this is definitely possible, the feeling of control is misunderstood.

Control does not mean walking up to someone and saying, “You will buy me a High Definition Flat Screen TV… now,” and they go and bring you back a new television.

It is not a fight of will powers or of mental strength between you and your conversation partner (also known as your hypnotic subject).

The control comes from your ability to purposely direct the thoughts of your conversation partner.

By directing your conversation partner’s

thoughts, you direct their

decisions, behaviors, and


Personal Power is the ability that top leaders, celebrities, therapists, authority figures, and even con artists have developed.

Personal power is the ability to move humans (even yourself) to take action.

Some humans refer to this as charisma… the ability to arouse fervent popular devotion, enthusiasm, and action.

What sets personal power apart from charisma is focus.

Charisma is focused on how others perceive you.

Personal power is focused on how others perceive you as well as how you perceive yourself.

This is very important, because the key to hypnosis is belief… belief that you can do it, and your conversation partner WILL enter a trance and carry out your suggestions.

When beginning to learn hypnosis, many humans have a lack of belief about themselves and what is possible.

They learn the techniques, but they do not get the results.

It always comes down to belief.

You will succeed every time as soon as you develop the belief in yourself that says, “I know that I can persuade this human”; and you feel that belief throughout every cell of your body without any doubt.

This unstoppable confidence is what separates a bad hypnotist or entertainer or salesperson or speaker or [fill in your profession] from a world-class one.

When you make that shift in your internal belief system, that is the point that you go from simply using hypnosis to being a master communicator.

You must work on yourself

before you can expect to

influence others.

When I was introduced to hypnosis a long time ago, I did not have the belief system that I do now. As a matter of fact, I did not believe in hypnosis at all!

I watched my mentors and instructors make drastic changes in humans. I even watched one of them call the play with 90% accuracy.

What do I mean by call the play?

Before walking into a business meeting with humans we had never met, he would say, “I will get Barb to go out for donuts, Jim will scratch his nose within the first two minutes, and Tom will hand me $5.00.”

Each of those things would happened exactly how he said they would happen.

Why and how could he get those results, and I could not?


It took me close to 50 times of being hypnotized before I developed the belief that hypnosis works, and I can do it. Now, I call the play; however, I am much more creative than having someone get me a donut or scratch their nose.

I want to speed your learning curve up.

I want you dedicated to working on yourself just as much as you are dedicated to being in front of another human.

Work on your inner-game.

Make a list of things that you want or need to change or improve about yourself. Do you want or need to…

  • gain more confidence,

  • become assertive,

  • be outgoing,

  • overcome a fear or two,

  • raise your motivation level,

  • develop your personal power,

  • lose some weight, or

  • maybe something even more personal?

The philosophy that I use is constant improvement over time. Each of the skills and methods that you learn will build on one another. It is important to learn and master each small skill before the next lesson.

You will possibly be doing something that is different and uncomfortable to you. This means that you are hitting the ceiling that you have built for yourself. You can either bounce back down to your comfort level or push the ceiling higher.

If you fill a jar with flies, and cover the jar with plastic wrap; you can watch the flies repeatedly bounce off the plastic ceiling trying to get out.

Leave the jar with the flies in it for 24-hours. There is enough oxygen inside to sustain the flies.

24-hours later, you will see that the flies no longer bounce off of the ceiling that you have created for them. They have developed a belief (as simple as a fly’s belief can be) that they cannot escape from the jar.

Now, take the plastic off.

Surprisingly, you will discover that the flies will not even attempt to fly out of the jar, because they have been conditioned by the plastic ceiling.

Be smarter than a fly.

Push your ceiling higher and higher. It will move! This is the only way that you can expand your skills and master anything.

Oh, the example I gave earlier… “You will buy me a High Definition Flat Screen TV… now.” The HDTV is on the wall in my bedroom.

How will your life be when you can do that too?

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell


How to Be an Intelligent Human


How Ambiguous Can You Be?