I believe it's safe to say that many of my readers are aware I'm immersed in the performing arts. I've topped the charts with the number one performance out of over 60 shows in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, claimed the top spot for nightlife on Hilton Head Island, and been the go-to entertainer for VIP guests of Diamond Resorts across the United States — Céline Dion was a close second.

For those not in the performing arts, I trust you'll find nuggets of wisdom here you can weave into your own work and life. Enjoy!

In the vast world of human careers, those in the performing arts stand out. We're talking about actors, dancers, magicians, and yes, singers and musicians, too — they all carry a special kind of courage. These folks touch our hearts, not with data or documents, but by sparking emotions and creating memories that stay with us.

Their pursuit is relentless, always striving for a dream that seems just beyond grasp. Imagine the daily hustle where cheers and empty chairs mean just as much. One minute, you're the master of music, and the next, just another voice hoping to be heard. It's like juggling while walking a tightrope.

But this story isn't just for stage stars. It's for anyone reaching for greatness who's stared down rejection and vowed to rise above. Whether you're building a business or teaching kids, if passion drives you, you know this rhythm.

Performers often hear, "Get a real job," from friends and critics alike. They weave through a maze of gigs, balancing the hope of fame with the need for a steady paycheck. They're like Atlas, holding up dreams instead of the sky, braving the fear of fading into the background but still stepping into the light with a grin.

This struggle is more common than you might think. Do we aim high or stay put? It's a choice we all make. A lawyer or a barista might not end their day with applause, but their ups and downs are just as real. We all want to ace that big moment, win that deal, or just be recognized.

What pushes someone to go this far? For artists, it's about the thrill of connecting — when everything lines up perfectly and the world pauses. In that moment of unity, all the hardship fades.

These instances show us what we all share. We've all felt them — the athlete in their last game, the teacher seeing a student's sudden understanding, the parent at the first solo bike ride. Such moments.

But performers, they create these moments from nothing. They craft enchantment and share it with us, big stage or small. They invite us to feel — to laugh, cry, celebrate. They show us that life's beauty lies not in routine milestones but in rich, shared experiences.

To those who aren't performers, consider the project or idea you're unsure about. Performers would say, go for it. Embrace the risk. That leap might just be your moment in the spotlight.

Here's to the dreamers — waiting for their chance to shine. We honor the artists and encourage everyone else to find their stage, wherever that may be. May you relish the applause when it comes. In the end, aren't we all stars of our own lives? Some of us just have the spotlight a bit longer.

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell


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