Why Doing Favors Makes You Friends: The Ben Franklin Jedi Mind Trick

Why Doing Favors Makes You Friends: The Ben Franklin Jedi Mind Trick

The Ben Franklin effect suggests that getting someone to do you a favor can make them like you more, due to cognitive dissonance. By rationalizing their actions, humans convince themselves they must like you since they helped you. This quirky psychological trick can foster goodwill and deepen connections.

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The Thrice Divorced Man: A Reflection on Marriage and Moving On

The Thrice Divorced Man: A Reflection on Marriage and Moving On

Following his third divorce, Billy reflects on his evolving views on marriage, influenced by a lifetime of diverse experiences and lessons learned. He discusses the developmental trajectory of the prefrontal cortex and advises younger men, drawing on his own early marriage at 22, to delay such commitments until they reach greater maturity. Through each marital journey—from spontaneous beginnings to profound, introspective unions—Billy gains deeper insights, now questioning the traditional appeal of marriage and adopting a more thoughtful approach to relationships.

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