Mind Over Myth: A Critical Look at the Silva Ultramind ESP System

This Is a Public Service Announcement.

A New Program From Nightingale-Conant: Examining the Silva Ultramind ESP System's Extraordinary Claims.

It's Being Advertised All Over Social Media.

Below is the marketing copy, and below that is my breakdown of the program.

Marketing Copy:

Unleash the telepathic powers you were born with!

 In just 15 minutes a day, you can develop the ability to:

  • Read minds accurately.

  • Influence people from a distance.

  • Receive guidance from High Intelligence.

  • Create "good vibes with anyone you meet.

  • Detect hidden information.

  • Find lasting inner peace.

And in the process ... unleash the telepathic powers you were born with!

Skeptical? I was, until I proved it to myself. You see, telepathic powers exist in all of us; they are part of the natural way we communicate with each other.

Your brain beats at various frequencies, much like your heart. Usually your brain beats at 14 cycles per second, the Beta frequency. Very occasionally it beats between 7 and 14 cycles per second. This frequency is known as Alpha frequency. Alpha is the key to becoming telepathic.

A man named Jose Silva perfected a simple 15-minute technique for entering the Alpha level at will, creating his own brand of ESP, which he called "effective sensory projection." The result of this breakthrough is the new Silva Ultramind ESP System. Once you've mastered the techniques, you'll be able to:

  • Read people like a book. Know if someone's telling you the truth. Gain knowledge about others' intentions just by looking at them. Know anyone's real motives by simply being in the same vicinity.

  • See through walls. Project your mind to any place in the world to detect information. The U.S. government spent $30 million training people to do this and had a 100% success rate in certain cases.

  • Influence others from a distance. Leave reminders and create an instant connection using ESP projection techniques.

  • Discover your mission in life. Learn what you were sent here to do. Improve the lives of others. Live a life that's fulfilled and happy.

  • Detect hidden information. Use dowsing rods and pendulums to locate objects and information you're looking for. Learn how the science of psychometry can help you improve the accuracy of your intuitions about people.

  • Get and stay healthy longer. Learn to tune in to your physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

  • Establish instant rapport with anyone you meet. Create a feeling of trust, connection and enjoyment.

  • Relieve stress and relax more easily. Once you've mastered the simple technique for going to the Alpha level, you'll be able to go there almost instantly. Melt away stress and be totally relaxed.

  • Learn to trust your intuition. Make better life decisions.

  • Concentrate with total focus and clarity, whenever you choose.

  • Find lasting inner peace. Clear your mind and heart of past baggage.

Jose Silva's New Ultramind ESP System is so life-changing, we've turned it into an audio seminar.

Jose Silva's New Ultramind ESP System opened my eyes to the full potential of the human mind, and what I have described is just the "tip of the iceberg." There is so much more!

You'll learn about the broadcasting technique that allows you to connect with several people telepathically at the same time. You'll hear about the little finger in the palm of the hand technique, which magnifies your psychic power when you combine it with one other thing. You'll also discover the mental video technique, the 3-scenes technique, the mental rehearsal technique and other proven methods that will make you more telepathic.

-Vic Conant

My Breakdown:

Hey Humans,

When it comes right down to it, I don't want you to waste money on a program that can't deliver what it claims — or worse, give someone false hope that replaces other legitimate approaches to your outcome. As they say, buyer beware.


In our self-improvement-obsessed world, the Silva Ultramind ESP System makes some pretty bold moves with claims of mind reading, distant influence, and telepathic abilities. This article isn't just a once-over but a deep dive into these claims, backed by hard science, serving as a heads-up for anyone thinking about buying in.

What the Silva Ultramind ESP System Promises:

Here's the deal — the Silva Ultramind ESP System is all about unlocking telepathic powers and influencing others by getting a grip on your brainwave frequencies, especially the alpha state. But when you actually check the science behind these claims, you find a big gap between what's promised and what's real.

The Shaky Ground of ESP and Telepathy:

Long story short, despite a ton of research and interest in extrasensory perception (ESP) and telepathy, these fields haven't really hit the mark in producing results that are both replicable and scientifically sound. The whole idea of reading minds or exerting telepathic influence, which is what the Silva Ultramind ESP System is selling, just doesn't hold up against solid scientific evidence.

Brainwave Frequencies and Their Supposed Superpowers:

Sure, different brainwave states match up with varying levels of consciousness. But the leap from there to saying you can unlock supernatural abilities? That's where the science stops and the fiction starts. The whole spiel about alpha brainwaves granting telepathic powers doesn't jive with what we actually know.

Personal Stories vs. Hard Science:

The program leans heavily on personal success stories, especially around physical healing. But let's be real — these stories aren't the same as scientific proof. Suggesting mental techniques as a cure for medical conditions like multiple sclerosis is not just misleading — it's downright irresponsible.

Business Success: Is It Really Because of the Program?

Tying business success directly to the Silva Ultramind ESP System is a bit of a stretch. Workplace success is complex and multifaceted, and claiming it's all thanks to this program is a bit too simplistic and lacks the backing of thorough scientific testing.

Real Science for Personal Growth:

If you're genuinely on the hunt for self-improvement, there are plenty of scientifically sound methods out there. Mindfulness meditation is a proven stress-buster and mood-lifter. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is excellent for turning negative thought and behavior patterns around. Techniques like Progressive Muscle Relaxation can dial down anxiety. And let's not forget the universal good guys — regular exercise and healthy sleep habits — for overall mental and physical health.

Proceed with Caution:

While the Silva Ultramind ESP System might offer some general wellness perks like meditation and relaxation, its big-ticket claims of mind-reading and telepathic abilities just don't have the scientific chops to back them up. So, if you're in the market for personal growth, keep a skeptical eye and lean towards practices that have actual, evidence-based results. Personal development is a journey that should balance an open mind with a solid commitment to what's proven. Remember, when a claim sounds extraordinary, it needs extraordinary proof. In the quest for self-improvement, a discerning approach is non-negotiable.

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell


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