How to Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety

First, you don’t want to completely get rid of your stress and anxiety.

Experiencing stress and anxiety means you’re alive, and that’s a great thing. It’s your body’s built-in alarm system to warn you of potential threats, allowing you to evaluate and respond to them in appropriate ways. As a matter of fact, this heightened state of readiness (aka... stress and anxiety) can help you perform better and be more creative.

It’s when you use your imagination in self-defeating ways, like imagining things going wrong for you or your loved ones, that stress and anxiety become a problem.

Your unconscious mind tends to follow the lead set by your imagination. When you imagine things going wrong, your unconscious mind produces sensations of fear in an attempt to keep you safe from the imagined threat.

What you really want to do is quiet useless stress and anxiety. The stress and anxiety about things you can’t control. It’s a waste of energy that many humans suffer from on a daily basis.

The source of stress and anxiety is essentially being worried about something that may or may not happen in the future. I call it “future uncertainty”. For example, “I’m not sure if I can make my rent payment this month.” OR “What if this pain in my back turns out to be kidney disease?” OR “I’m living paycheck to paycheck; what happens if I get laid off?”

The key is training your mind to spend more of its time in the present instead of the future and to focus on the things that you can control and let go of the things that you can’t control.

Pretty simple, huh?

Well, yes and no. It’s easy to do, but it’s also easy to not do. In other words, I can give you all the tools to train your mind to help you reduce stress and anxiety, but it’s very easy to let life get in the way and not use the tools I give you.

It takes commitment to train your mind to think differently until you develop new, healthier habits that better serve you. When dealing with stress and anxiety, it’s a struggle for some humans to find the motivation to take the steps necessary to make things happen. So I developed an easy-to-follow, 6-step approach toward reducing stress and anxiety over the last 2 decades and have helped thousands of humans break the hold that stress and anxiety had on their lives.

I’ve discovered that humans can reduce their stress and anxiety by reprogramming their minds to think more effectively which, in turn, creates new behaviors.

The goal is to...

    1. Relieve stress by quieting the defeating self-talk and changing the negative images that perpetuate the stress response.

    2. Lessen the free-floating fear that triggers panic attacks.

    3. Turn anxious feelings down or even off.

    4. Learn to be comfortable with yourself and not worry what others think.

    5. Have confidence in any situation.

    6. Voice your opinions, let others know your views, and have conversations without wondering if things could have gone differently.

I have found that my clients who have implemented these 6 changes have experienced the most positive impact in their lives.

Even though stress and anxiety is so prevalent around the world, many people are still unable to access the help needed to feel better. The biggest factor being money.

I believe that money should never be the reason why someone can’t gain access to the tools that help relieve stress and anxiety, so I offer it at no charge to those who need it.

I have made my 6-step approach as easy and accessible as possible... once a day, you simply press a button and listen to a hypnosis audio program that is designed to help you reprogram your mind and change your behaviors.

That’s it!

And there’s no strings attached!

All I ask is that you pay the favor forward by telling other humans who suffer from stress and anxiety about the program and sending them the link to gain access.

The link to access the program is...

If you have any questions along your journey, you can contact me through my website at I would also love to hear your success stories!

Bill Gladwell

Billy Gladwell Is an Expert in Hypnosis, Influence, and Persuasion.

“I help humans get what they want.” —Billy Gladwell

The Real Secret of Hypnosis


What Gets Rid of Anxiety?